Dear Reader,
This was created in response to a prompt from the brilliant Amara Amaryah in today’s writing workshop on Writing From Your Abundance: “Who are you in this moment? What is one verb that describes how you live your life?”
I hope you receive me.
The splitting has begun and I emerge from my chrysalis, drenched in the spirit of rebirth, my wings quiver as they find their shape. I am about to fly.
The process is messy. I shed skins. I break down completely and begin to rebuild from blankness. I study the fragments that create me in amalgamation; smooth and bumpy surfaces, ragged edges, reflective shards. I keep what I need and let go of everything that does not serve my new flight.
It feels like burning a layer that has kept me warm and comfortable for long, into pure cinder. In this ember state, I find new flesh - ripe, delicate, vulnerable, bright and full of promise. It is ready to be moulded into whatever I wish to make of it.
In this moment, I am unlearning. I am grieving. I am accepting. I am reminiscing. I am meditating. I am listening. I am becoming. I am evolving. I am transmuting. I am changing. I am breaking free.
The verb of my this moment is ephemeral. I am detaching from limiting ideas of what my outcome should look like, to create space for my abundance, what it needs to be. I am ephemeral in the sense that I do not overstay my welcome in any moment. I move to the next moment when the wind moves me. I follow my excitement and let my intrinsic compass guide me to the next port where I may unbecome and become some more. I am by nature, a traveller. The wind sings to me each day.
You will hear from me soon. Through postcards, letters, notes, signs, energies. I will continue to offer you the love that I create in my abundant state. I will continue to free myself and hopefully, unlock parts of you in the process. See you soon.
With love,
Notes From Your Shadow.
Adia, this is such a lush entry, I'm so honoured to receive you. I am going to be coming back to this frequently, once isn't enough. Thank you for joining and teasing out these prompts so fully!
you are a conduit for light. thank you for this celestial song!